Wednesday, May 2, 2012

it's very irritating

yes, i do understand when u had ur not-very-nice experience with certain people or certain places. The effect of the situation was a loss of confident with the person himself or something related to them such as his religion, ethnicity or place where he came from. i writing this post because it's irritated me much. Yes, sometimes when we hate someone blindly without no reason at all. every single thing that he did, always looks wrong. U may have ur right to hate certain people but u cannot see the whole person with closed-eyes.u hate them is one thing. but to hate what they do (especially the good ones or positive ones) is not right. Kita mungkin terbawa dengan perasaan yang agak beremosi dan mungkin tanda protes kita itu tidak wajar. sesungguhnya kita boleh membantah tapi dengan cara yang lebih bagus dan profesional. kita juga dalam masa yang sama dapat menjaga maruah dan air muka kita sendiri. Keterlupaan dan kelekaan dibuai perasaan yang kurang bagus ini adalah perkara normal. contoh: apabila bonda tersayang menentang pilihan hati anakanda sehingga tegar memboikot majlis perkahwinan anakandanya. contoh: Suami kita memilih orang negeri2 berkenaan untuk dijadikan madu kita, sehingga akhirnya kita membenci segala macam apa yang related dengan negeri berkenaan. makan, minum, cara berpakaian dan sebagainya. contoh: kita tidak setuju dengan pilihan hati anak kita sehingga negeri asal pilihan ati anak kita dijadikan gurauan sinis. it's not profesional at all dear. u hate them then u tell them to their face la if u think u might satisfied with it. or u hate them then u never ever involve in their life la. dont pretend to b a fren when ur trying to be an enemy. p/s: mak ngah sentap

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Not so true but a litle bit true

Not in every single way la but the par set up by my late dad also take a role in it.