Friday, June 3, 2011

i Hate KPI

i hate when Thursday come,walopun selalunya saya suke ya amat bile boleh blk kul 3.30 ptg. Namun, jarang bebenor dpt balik on time.

arini saya x join practice futsal, saya x masuk meeting strategik, saya duk mengadap report n analysis KPI ISO yg sungguh annoying itu.Yes, saya pasti everyone think i created some reasons for excuses but believed me, if u in my shoes u know how i felt.

Thanks to my fren, especially Norma for giving a hand help me to complete the analysis . (half of it). Its a very painful experience trying to complete n edit someone's else work. huh, lack of data, lack of everything,the worse part is u dont have the soft copy but u do have the hardcopy with written kalah tolisan doktor2 sepital kerajaan macam cacing itew. berpinau bijik mata nak baca n cube paham n to type it back when everyone keep on calling ur name to sepak2 bola kat court futsal n masuk bilik meeting.

sudahnya i lost my appetite, rase kenyang makan angin kipas n paling best dengan tido pg td just 2.5 hours only.
finish my beading work around 1.30am n i just slept 20 minutes only untill i thought i might die. when i cough 5 minutes non stop. lucky me, i just vormit ubat sakit tekak. but cant sleep at all untill 1 looked at my watch it 2.45am already. n when i open my eyes its 5.15am..OMG.

but my arrival at home im happy sebab tgk ade kad kawen dr sedara x brape nak jauh ni. lega sebab makcik ni dulu telah mengecop aku untuk dibuat menantu..kalo pegi umah dia penat aku berlakon buat perangai buruk tp dia tetap ulang2 bitau kat mak aku dia cop lega dah mak ngah, anak dia nak kawen sudah.

notakukukaki::im going to KL tonite leaving my adik bongsu sensorg kat umah coz my mum n 3rd sis gi Umrah while my along n famili blk Perak.


Not so true but a litle bit true

Not in every single way la but the par set up by my late dad also take a role in it.