Friday, March 18, 2011

im i?

hati belum terbuka as for "still stuck with previous love" or "haven't met one that makes you heart beat faster"?

kalau hati still stuck...eloklah beralih arah...

sometimes kita tak sedar...kita selalu compare future or current partner with the last one that hurt our heart so badly.

amik ko best dak org nasihat aku mcm ni..dikatenya AKU STUCK, x move on la ape la..
men sedap mulut je makcik oi..sekeh kang.

orang boleh cakap macam2 tapi semua x tau ape cerita kan. fikirlah masa depan n jadikan current situation as a guidance..bukan nak dgr ckp2 org yg mcm nyamuk..ngeng sana ngeng sini

notakukukaki::for those who terlebeih 'caring' to ..tq 4 ur concern , but i dont need it


  1. betul2...

    xsemestinya orang tu stuck kalau dia tak cari baru

    cari baru bukan semestinya dah moved on and

    takkan nak tangkap muat kann?? duhh

  2. yes..
    sometimes our past taught us to be more aware n carefull. n maybe im not ready..

    susah kalau orang x paham ni

  3. yeps
    berjaga2 dan cautious gitu..

    i dont appreciate any advise from anyone who doesnt even know a single thing about me... hehehehe.. cos they judge differently.. lols

  4. agreed 200%
    judgement wrongly satu hal..
    jump to a ridiculous(how to spell.hahaah) conclusion satu hal lagi...
    ujung2 aku jugak yang mcm2 kene tuduh..


Not so true but a litle bit true

Not in every single way la but the par set up by my late dad also take a role in it.